Module 10 Dataframes: basics
Learning goal
- Practice exploring, summarizing, and filtering dataframes
A vector is the most basic data structure in R
, and the other structures are built out of vectors. But, as a data scientist, the most common data structure you will be working with – by far – is a dataframe. A dataframe, essentially, is a spreadsheet: a dataset with rows and columns, in which each column represents is a vector of the same class of data.
Here is what a dataframe looks like:
# Using one of R's built-in datasets
## Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
## 1 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 setosa
## 2 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 setosa
## 3 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 setosa
## 4 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 setosa
## 5 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 setosa
## 6 5.4 3.9 1.7 0.4 setosa
In this dataframe, each row pertains to a unique iris plant. The columns contain related information about each individual plant.
Here’s another data.frame, built from scratch, which shows that dataframes are just a group of vectors:
x <- 25:29
y <- 55:59
df <- data.frame(x,y)
## x y
## 1 25 55
## 2 26 56
## 3 27 57
## 4 28 58
## 5 29 59
In this command, we used the data.frame()
function to combine two vectors into a dataframe with two columns named x
and y
. R
then saved this result in a new variable named df
. When we call df
, R
shows us the dataframe.
The great thing about dataframes is that they allow you to relate different data types to each other.
df <- data.frame(name=c("Ben","Joe","Eric"),
## name height
## 1 Ben 75
## 2 Joe 73
## 3 Eric 80
This dataframe has one column of class character
and another of class numeric
Exercise 1
Let’s create a new object named animals
. This is going to be a dataframe with 4 different columns: species
, height
, color
, veg
(whether or not the animal is a vegetarian).
First, come up with five species to add to your dataframe and list them in a vector named species
Second, make the other vectors with details about those species in the correct order.
Third, combine these vectors into a dataframe named animals
Subsetting & exploring dataframes
To explore dataframes, let’s use a dataset on fuel mileage for all cars sold from 1985 to 2014.
# need to install first install.packages('fueleconomy')
## id make model year class trans
## 1 13309 Acura 2.2CL/3.0CL 1997 Subcompact Cars Automatic 4-spd
## 2 13310 Acura 2.2CL/3.0CL 1997 Subcompact Cars Manual 5-spd
## 3 13311 Acura 2.2CL/3.0CL 1997 Subcompact Cars Automatic 4-spd
## 4 14038 Acura 2.3CL/3.0CL 1998 Subcompact Cars Automatic 4-spd
## 5 14039 Acura 2.3CL/3.0CL 1998 Subcompact Cars Manual 5-spd
## 6 14040 Acura 2.3CL/3.0CL 1998 Subcompact Cars Automatic 4-spd
## drive cyl displ fuel hwy cty
## 1 Front-Wheel Drive 4 2.2 Regular 26 20
## 2 Front-Wheel Drive 4 2.2 Regular 28 22
## 3 Front-Wheel Drive 6 3.0 Regular 26 18
## 4 Front-Wheel Drive 4 2.3 Regular 27 19
## 5 Front-Wheel Drive 4 2.3 Regular 29 21
## 6 Front-Wheel Drive 6 3.0 Regular 26 17
To look at this dataframe in full, you call display it in a separate tab within RStudio
using the View()
A dataframe has rows of data organized into columns. In this dataframe, each row pertains to a single vehicle make/model – i.e., a single observation. Each column pertains to a single type of data. Columns are named in the header of the dataframe.
All the same useful exploration and subsetting functions that applied to vectors now apply to dataframes. In addition to those functions you already know, let’s add some new functions to your inventory of useful functions.
# head() and tail() summarize the beginning and end of the object
## id make model year class trans
## 33437 28868 Yugo GV Plus/GV/Cabrio 1990 Minicompact Cars Manual 4-spd
## 33438 6635 Yugo GV Plus/GV/Cabrio 1990 Subcompact Cars Manual 5-spd
## 33439 3157 Yugo GV/GVX 1987 Subcompact Cars Manual 4-spd
## 33440 5497 Yugo GV/GVX 1989 Subcompact Cars Manual 4-spd
## 33441 5498 Yugo GV/GVX 1989 Subcompact Cars Manual 5-spd
## 33442 1745 Yugo Gy/yugo GVX 1986 Minicompact Cars Manual 4-spd
## drive cyl displ fuel hwy cty
## 33437 Front-Wheel Drive 4 1.3 Regular 27 21
## 33438 Front-Wheel Drive 4 1.3 Regular 28 23
## 33439 Front-Wheel Drive 4 1.1 Regular 29 24
## 33440 Front-Wheel Drive 4 1.1 Regular 29 24
## 33441 Front-Wheel Drive 4 1.3 Regular 28 23
## 33442 Front-Wheel Drive 4 1.1 Regular 29 22
# get names of columns
## [1] "id" "make" "model" "year" "class" "trans" "drive" "cyl" "displ"
## [10] "fuel" "hwy" "cty"
Note that length()
does not work the same on dataframes as it does with vectors. In dataframes, length()
is the equivalent of ncol()
; it will not give you the number of rows in a dataset.
Checking for NAs
Recall that dataframes are filtered by row and/or column using this format: dataframe[rows,columns]
. To get the third element of the second column, for example, you type dataframe[3,2]
Note that the comma is necessary even if you do not want to specify columns. If you try to type this …
will assume you are asking for the third column, not the third row.
To filter a dataframe to multiple values, you can specify vectors for the row
and column
vehicles[1:3,11:12] # can use colons
## hwy cty
## 1 26 20
## 2 28 22
## 3 26 18
vehicles[1:3,c(1,11:12)] # can use c()
## id hwy cty
## 1 13309 26 20
## 2 13310 28 22
## 3 13311 26 18
Columns can also be called according to their names. Use the $
sign to specify a column.
Note that when you use a $
, you will not need to use a comma within your brackets. If you try to run this …
will throw a fit.
Also recall that you can use logical tests, which return boolean values TRUE
, to filter dataframes to rows that meet certain conditions. For example, to filter to only the rows for cars with better than 100 mpg, you can use this syntax:
# Build your logical test
verdicts <- vehicles$hwy > 100
# Subset with booleans
## make model
## 6533 Chevrolet Spark EV
## 10613 Fiat 500e
## 10614 Fiat 500e
## 16429 Honda Fit EV
## 16430 Honda Fit EV
## 24487 Nissan Leaf
## 24488 Nissan Leaf
## 24489 Nissan Leaf
## 28628 Scion iQ EV
# Write this in one line to be more efficient:
vehicles[ vehicles$hwy > 100 , 2:3]
## make model
## 6533 Chevrolet Spark EV
## 10613 Fiat 500e
## 10614 Fiat 500e
## 16429 Honda Fit EV
## 16430 Honda Fit EV
## 24487 Nissan Leaf
## 24488 Nissan Leaf
## 24489 Nissan Leaf
## 28628 Scion iQ EV
Recall that the logical test is returning a bunch of TRUE
’s and FALSE
’s, one for each row of vehicles
. Only the TRUE
rows will be returned.
The same summary functions that you have used for vectors work for dataframes, such as:
You can also use the summary()
function, which provides summary statistics for each column in your dataframe:
## id make model year
## Min. : 1 Length:33442 Length:33442 Min. :1984
## 1st Qu.: 8361 Class :character Class :character 1st Qu.:1991
## Median :16724 Mode :character Mode :character Median :1999
## Mean :17038 Mean :1999
## 3rd Qu.:25265 3rd Qu.:2008
## Max. :34932 Max. :2015
## class trans drive cyl
## Length:33442 Length:33442 Length:33442 Min. : 2.000
## Class :character Class :character Class :character 1st Qu.: 4.000
## Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character Median : 6.000
## Mean : 5.772
## 3rd Qu.: 6.000
## Max. :16.000
## NA's :58
## displ fuel hwy cty
## Min. :0.000 Length:33442 Min. : 9.00 Min. : 6.00
## 1st Qu.:2.300 Class :character 1st Qu.: 19.00 1st Qu.: 15.00
## Median :3.000 Mode :character Median : 23.00 Median : 17.00
## Mean :3.353 Mean : 23.55 Mean : 17.49
## 3rd Qu.:4.300 3rd Qu.: 27.00 3rd Qu.: 20.00
## Max. :8.400 Max. :109.00 Max. :138.00
## NA's :57
The function unique()
returns unique values within a column:
## [1] "Regular" "Premium"
## [3] "Diesel" "Premium or E85"
## [5] "Electricity" "Gasoline or E85"
## [7] "Premium Gas or Electricity" "Gasoline or natural gas"
## [9] "CNG" "Midgrade"
## [11] "Regular Gas and Electricity" "Gasoline or propane"
## [13] "Premium and Electricity"
Finally, the order()
function helps you sort a dataframe according to the values in one of its columns.
#sort dataframe by highway mileage
# only keep certain columns
vehicles_sorted <- vehicles[order(vehicles$hwy),
## make model year fuel hwy cty
## 397 Aston Martin Lagonda 1985 Regular 9 7
## 398 Aston Martin Lagonda 1985 Regular 9 7
## 406 Aston Martin Saloon/Vantage/Volante 1985 Regular 9 7
## 408 Aston Martin Saloon/Vantage/Volante 1985 Regular 9 7
## 27725 Rolls-Royce Camargue 1987 Regular 9 7
## 27726 Rolls-Royce Continental 1987 Regular 9 7
Reverse the order by wrapping rev()
around the order()
vehicles_sorted <- vehicles[rev(order(vehicles$hwy)),
## make model year fuel hwy cty
## 6533 Chevrolet Spark EV 2014 Electricity 109 128
## 10614 Fiat 500e 2014 Electricity 108 122
## 10613 Fiat 500e 2013 Electricity 108 122
## 28628 Scion iQ EV 2013 Electricity 105 138
## 16430 Honda Fit EV 2014 Electricity 105 132
## 16429 Honda Fit EV 2013 Electricity 105 132
Building dataframes
As shown above, to create a new dataframe, use the data.frame()
my_vehicles <- data.frame(car=paste(vehicles$make,vehicles$model),
## car mgp_hwy mpg_city
## 100 Acura Legend 23 15
## 101 Acura Legend 22 17
## 102 Acura Legend 23 16
## 103 Acura Legend 21 16
## 104 Acura Legend 22 17
## 105 Acura Legend 23 16
## 106 Acura Legend 24 16
Note how the columns were named in the data.frame()
call, and that each column is separated by a comma.
You can also stage an empty dataframe, which sounds useless but will become very useful as you start working with for
loops and other higher-order R
To coerce an object into a format that R
interprets as a dataframe, use as.dataframe()
df <-
## id make model year
## 1 13309 Acura 2.2CL/3.0CL 1997
## 2 13310 Acura 2.2CL/3.0CL 1997
## 3 13311 Acura 2.2CL/3.0CL 1997
## 4 14038 Acura 2.3CL/3.0CL 1998
You can bind multiple dataframes together using rbind()
df1 <- data.frame(name=c("Ben","Joe","Eric","Isabelle"),
instrument=c("Nose harp","Concertina","Ukelele","Drums"))
## name instrument
## 1 Ben Nose harp
## 2 Joe Concertina
## 3 Eric Ukelele
## 4 Isabelle Drums
df2 <- data.frame(name=c("Matthew"),
## name instrument
## 1 Ben Nose harp
## 2 Joe Concertina
## 3 Eric Ukelele
## 4 Isabelle Drums
## 5 Matthew Washboard
Note that to be combined, two dataframes have to have the exact same number of columns and the exact same column names.
The only exception to this is adding a dataframe with content an empty dataframe. That can work, and that will be helpful in the R
Toolbag modules ahead.
df <- data.frame() # stage empty dataframe
df1 <- data.frame(name=c("Ben","Joe","Eric","Isabelle"),
instrument=c("Nose harp","Concertina","Ukelele","Drums"))
df <- rbind(df,df1)
## name instrument
## 1 Ben Nose harp
## 2 Joe Concertina
## 3 Eric Ukelele
## 4 Isabelle Drums
You can also bind multiple dataframes together using cbind()
df1 <- data.frame(name=c("Ben","Joe","Eric","Isabelle"),
instrument=c("Nose harp","Concertina","Ukelele","Drums"))
df <- data.frame(age=c(33,35,35,20), home=c("Canada","Spain","USA","USA"))
df <- cbind(df,df1)
## age home name instrument
## 1 33 Canada Ben Nose harp
## 2 35 Spain Joe Concertina
## 3 35 USA Eric Ukelele
## 4 20 USA Isabelle Drums
Note that to be combined, two dataframes have to have the exact same number of rows and the exact same column names.
Exercise 3: Subsetting and filtering
A. Subset one field according to a logical test
With no more than two lines of code, get the number of Honda cars in the vehicles
B. Subset one field according to a logical test for a different field.
In a single line of code, show the mileages of all the Toyotas in the dataset.
C. Subset a dataframe to a single subgroup
In a single line of code, determine how many differet car makes/models were produced in 1995.
D. Get the mean value for a subgroup of data
What is the average city mileage for Subaru cars in the dataset?
E. Subset a dataframe to only data from between two values
According to this dataset, how many different car makes/models have been produced with highway mileages between 30 and 40 mpg?
Review assignment
Create a vector called
of 5 peoples names from the class.Show with code how many people are in your vector
Create another vector called
which is the number of centimeters tall each of those 5 people are.Combine these two vectors into a data frame.